There was quite the scandal after wards, Ron. Funny enough, history would repeat itself in Korea where Canadian soldiers often ah, replaced their weapons with American Garands. Not surprisingly, the semi automatic capability over the bolt action was greatly appreciated... when hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Chinese and North Koreans are attacking you trenches.
Some more info, this time on the bayonet. Which, by the sounds of it, was more effective then he rifle.
Ross BayonetThe adoption of the all-Canadian Ross Rifle prior to World War One was an important milestone for the nation's fledgling arms industry; its impact on the fighting abilities of Canadian soldiers in 1915 was equally marked. The Ross came with its own bayonet, worn in a brown leather frog (here we see the Mark II) as part of the Oliver Pattern infantry equipment with which Canadian soldiers were equipped prior to and in the early years of World War One.