Mike Blais CD
« on: April 20, 2009, 06:56:25 pm » |
SB12404 Pte. Clayton MORNINGSTAR 10 May 1953 CVWM
The Niagara Branch, The RCR Association, will be conducting a memorial service for Pte Clayton Morningstar on Saturday 9th of May, 2009. The memorial will be conducted at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 479's cenotaph. I am hoping for a 1430 time frame as the legion is willing to provide a some snacks for the reception after but cannot do so until 1500.
The Korean Veterans Association, the CANUNP, local chapter of the PPCLI Association and Lincoln and Welland Regiment Association have been invited to attend.
Naturally, all Royal Canadians in the region and beyond are cordially invited to join us! Should you be visiting from beyond the region, please bring your Branch's colours for the parade. (Predeployed). At the moment, there are veterans of Hill 187 who plan on joining and I would think this will be a remarkable occasion to meet them and memorialize their sacrifice.
Lest we Forget
Regimental Roll of Honour The Korean War
The following Royal Canadians have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their nation.
Svc No. Rank Initials Surname Date of Death Remarks
ZC-4608 Lt. Douglas Wakelin BANTON 3 May 1953 CVWM ZG-3332 Lt. Cecil HARRIOTT 5 Sep 1952 CVWM ZL-4094 Lt. Carol Boyd LECUYER 15 Aug 1951 CVWM ZF-3925 Lt. Gerard Balfour MEYNELL 3 May 1953 CVWM SB144849 Sgt. Robert Henry RICHARDS 27 Sep 1952 CVWM SB153883 Sgt. Henry James Donald SHORE 2 Oct 1952 CVWM SD800063 Sgt. Gordon William Morrison WALKER 12 Jul 1953 CVWM SB10557 Cpl. David Hogg BOATH 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SB7236 Cpl. Russell Wilburn BOLTON 5 Sep 1952 CVWM SB50089 Cpl. George Everett DOHERTY 12 Jul 1953 CVWM B801318 Cpl. Ronald Allan EDMUNDS 30 May 1951 CVWM SF800384 Cpl. James Kenneth EVANS 23 Oct 1951 CVWM SG9267 Cpl. Joseph Alexander FERLATTE 21 Jul 1953 CVWM SB158933 Cpl. John Francis GILL 1 Jan 1953 CVWM D800556 Cpl. James Francis GILMORE 26 Mar 1952 CVWM SG9458 Cpl. Eldon James HUGHES 2 Oct 1952 CVWM D800310 Cpl. George Ernest KINROSS 9 Mar 1952 CVWM D800521 Cpl. Joseph Daniel MacCORMACK 31 Dec 1951 CVWM SF6208 Cpl. Douglas Harold Richard MacLEAN 3 May 1953 CVWM F-37502 Cpl. Neil Thorold MacLEOD 8 May 1952 CVWM SN1246 Cpl. Douglas Leonard NEWELL 3 May 1953 CVWM SF38872 Cpl. Peter John NOLAN 22 Jun 1952 CVWM SC6636 Cpl. Wycliffe Lesley PRESLEY 26 Jun 1952 CVWM SD-147719 Cpl. Kenneth Russell RAY 31 Aug 1950 CVWM SD4862 Cpl. William Joseph RYAN 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SB12328 Cpl. Roger Byron SCHOULTZ 3 May 1953 CVWM SC79110 Cpl. William James Lambert TOPPING 16 Sep 1953 CVWM SC8727 L/Cpl. Lorne Auley EMERSON 22 Oct 1952 CVWM SM-9462 L/Cpl. John Howard FAIRMAN 13 Oct 1951 CVWM SB13796 L/Cpl. Richard Arthur NANKERVIS 11 May 1953 CVWM SD190841 L/Cpl. Bernard George David RICE 13 Oct 1952 CVWM C800202 L/Cpl. Donald Henry STEER 31 Dec 1951 CVWM SA1139 Pte. James Russell ALLEN 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SL4027 Pte. Gregory ANAKA 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SA800107 Pte. Leonard Frederick ANDREWS 22 Jul 1951 CVWM SB12725 Pte. Henry ARD 14 May 1953 CVWM C-800180 Pte. William James Lewis AUSTIN 20 Dec 1950 CVWM SB-10847 Pte. Chales BARRIE 14 Jul 1952 CVWM SB-10735 Pte. Charles Frederick BAWDEN 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SL4741 Pte. Marcel BEAR 3 May 1953 CVWM A-800146 Pte. Joseph Gerald Stanley BEARDMORE 11 Oct 1951 CVWM B801508 Pte. James Gerald BEAUDRY 25 May 1951 CVWM SB-12758 Pte. William Walter George BEST 29 Nov 1952 CVWM SF-38683 Pte. Wallace MacPherson BETTS 28 Jul 1952 CVWM SB-153941 Pte. Carlos Ernesto BIGNUCOLO 17 Oct 1952 CVWM SB10414 Pte. Frederick BILYK 20 Oct 1952 CVWM SN1281 Pte. John Joseph BISHOP 9 Jan 1953 CVWM G-51455 Pte. James Samuel BRAYLEY 31 Aug 1950 CVWM SB801349 Pte. Kenneth Sidney BROOKS 29 May 1952 CVWM SG 800080 Pte. Lewis Dean BROWNLOW 23 Jul 1952 CVWM SH4831 Pte. William Edwin BRUCE 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SK5520 Pte. John Nicholas BURAK 3 May 1953 CVWM C800235 Pte. Joseph Jean Marie Maurice CAMPEAU 3 Nov 1951 MM; CVWM SF21474 Pte. Robert Donald CASEY 6 Dec 1951 CVWM SF90206 Pte. Michael Paul CHAISSON 3 May 1953 CVWM SF6362 Pte. James Joseph CHRISTOFF 3 May 1953 CVWM SB13901 Pte. Robert CLARK 3 May 1953 CVWM C-12494 Pte. Arthur Roy COLLINS 24 May 1952 CVWM SF21638 Pte. William Andrew COPAGE 31 Jan 1953 CVWM SF800482 Pte. Gordon Maurice CORMIER 1 Oct 1952 CVWM SA2659 Pte. Lloyd Gordon COUNTRYMAN 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SB12205 Pte. Howard Clarence DARRAH 1 Oct 1952 CVWM SF21703 Pte. William DAWSON 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SB13697 Pte. Frank Alfred DIEHL 3 May 1953 CVWM B801500 Pte. Gerald Hugh DURY 4 Oct 1951 CVWM SF21418 Pte. William Henry ELLIOTT 1 Oct 1952 CVWM SF 13966 Pte. Kenneth Irvine ERB 26 Mar 1952 CVWM SB13911 Pte. Donald Walter EVERINGHAM 3 May 1953 CVWM F800498 Pte. Cecil Robert Ellsworth FANCY 5 Jun 1951 CVWM SB7286 Pte. Joseph Leonard Raymond GAGNIER 30 Sep 1953 CVWM SC18229 Pte. Paul Henry GALLINGER 3 May 1953 CVWM SC7323 Pte. Russell Leon GARDINER 3 May 1953 CVWM SA2669 Pte. Robert Frederick Thomas GIRARD 3 May 1953 CVWM SL4745 Pte. Louis Joseph GOSSELIN 22 Jun 1952 CVWM SD11734 Pte. Raymond John GRENNAN 3 May 1953 CVWM N800199 Pte. Arthur Stanley GUY 2 Jul 1951 CVWM SA1263 Pte. James Caswell HACKETT 21 Oct 1952 CVWM SB801356 Pte. Harold Carlen HARRISON 3 Feb 1952 CVWM SN1140 Pte. Thomas Joseph HEDDERSON 3 May 1953 CVWM SF14022 Pte. John Walter HILTON 24 Oct 1952 CVWM D801316 Pte. William Raymond HOWARTH 30 May 1951 CVWM V-66380 Pte. Norman Ernest HUGHES 31 Aug 1950 CVWM A800460 Pte. Robert James JONES 11 Oct 1951 CVWM SB13903 Pte. John Paul KEATING 3 May 1953 CVWM B800561 Pte. John Franklin KEMP 30 May 1951 CVWM SD-4685 Pte. Joseph Edward KILPATRICK 13 Oct 1952 CVWM SF1718 F423842 Pte. Arthur Allison KING 24 Dec 1952 CVWM SA2506 Pte. Edward Joseph Michael KNIGHT 23 Oct 1952 CVWM D801125 Pte. Graham Cameron KNOTT 27 Apr 1952 CVWM SB7818 Pte. Mervyn Edward LATHAM 13 Oct 1952 CVWM F-800112 Pte. Gerald Dean LAURIE 28 Sep 1950 CVWM SL4774 Pte. William Harold LAVENE 5 Sep 1952 CVWM B800152 Pte. Wilfred Joseph LINDEN 13 Jul 1951 CVWM SB13890 Pte. William John LOCKHART 19 Jun 1953 CVWM SB12592 Pte. William Frank LUCAS 2 May 1953 CVWM SB7558 Pte. Wallace Albert LUXTON 22 Jun 1952 CVWM SF21910 Pte. Bernard Ancel MacDONALD 8 Jan 1953 CVWM F800276 Pte. Leonard Francis MacDOUGALL 4 Oct 1951 CVWM N800189 Pte. John McHUGH 20 Dec 1951 CVWM SB12728 Pte. Angus Weldon McINNIS 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SD4714 Pte. Hugh Ian McKINNON 1 Oct 1952 CVWM L800148 Pte. Norman Gerald McNEIL 6 Jan 1952 CVWM SF58908 Pte. Murdock Ryan MacMILLAN 22 Jun 1954 CVWM SF21836 Pte. Stephen Hugh MacPHEE 24 Mar 1952 CVWM SK3529 Pte. Donald William MacPHERSON 18 Jan 1953 CVWM SA1884 Pte. Robert Peter McVICAR 18 Jul 1952 CVWM SC136195 Pte. Derrick Peter MAURER 29 Aug 1952 CVWM SG800197 Pte. John Carlisle MEHAN 3 May 1953 CVWM SB12316 Pte. Robert Elman MILLAR 24 Oct 1952 CVWM D801377 Pte. Walter Edwin MILMORE 16 Sep 1951 CVWM SB154218 Pte. Allan Gordon MITCHELL 26 Mar 1952 CVWM SB12404 Pte. Clayton MORNINGSTAR 10 May 1953 CVWM SB10793 Pte. Charles Joseph MORRISON 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SL4775 Pte. Roy Stanley NYSTEDT 1 Oct 1952 CVWM A800440 Pte. Patrick William O'CONNOR 30 May 1951 CVWM A800126 Pte. Gerald PAYTON 25 Jul 1951 CVWM SB12223 Pte. Donald Wesley PENNEY 20 Jul 1953 CVWM SD8941 Pte. James Donald POOLE 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SG11570 Pte. Ian Neil RAEBURN 3 May 1953 CVWM SB154199 Pte. William Patrick REGAN 17 Jul 1953 CVWM SG11527 Pte. Irvine Levi RICE 3 May 1953 CVWM SB13831 Pte. Lloyd Stanley ROACH 3 May 1953 CVWM SB153871 Pte. Louis Charles ROBERTS 30 May 1951 CVWM SB12650 Pte. Alexander ROWBOTHAM 23 Oct 1952 CVWM F-800207 Pte. Malcolm Richard ROYLES 28 Sep 1950 CVWM SF39348 Pte. Robert Arthur RYAN 19 Feb 1952 CVWM SB10860 Pte. Warwick Colmba RYAN 17 Oct 1952 CVWM SB10429 Pte. Vernon Kenneth SHORTREED 17 Oct 1952 CVWM SC7581 Pte. Philip Clark SPENCLEY 3 May 1953 CVWM SB12472 Pte. Ronald STAINSBY 27 Oct 1952 CVWM SF22255 Pte. William Albert STONE 23 May 1952 CVWM SG10421 Pte. Arthur Edmund STOREY 14 Jul 1953 CVWM SM17956 Pte. Charles Lorne STOWE 13 Oct 1952 CVWM K800311 Pte. William Leslie STRACHAN 30 May 1951 CVWM B801630 Pte. Ralph David STROUD 16 Sep 1951 CVWM B800171 Pte. Aubrey Francis THOMSON 14 Nov 1951 CVWM SC17253 Pte. Desmond Joseph TRUDEAU 12 Jan 1953 CVWM SF6244 Pte. Stanley Arthur WARD 23 Oct 1952 CVWM SA2746 Pte. Daniel Melvin WELLINGTON 3 May 1953 CVWM SB7611 Pte. Ronald Orin WHITE 1 Oct 1952 CVWM SK13867 Pte. Frederick Joseph WHITING 23 Oct 1952 CVWM G800009 Pte. Benjamin Edward WILLIAMS 2 Jul 1951 CVWM C800098 Pte. John Harold WILLIAMS 26 Mar 1952 CVWM B801158 Pte. Roy Thomas WILLIAMS 2 Jul 1951 CVWM SB153240 Pte. Edward Herbert WILSON 27 Jul 1953 CVWM SB13808 Pte. Thomas Richard WOODBURY 3 May 1953 CVWM
Time 1415hrs-1630 Date Saturday, May 9th Loc. RCL 479 Niagara Falls Ontario
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 06:57:14 pm » |
Just a brief update, lads. Preparations for the memorial service is proceeding better then expected and the support exhibited by the KVA 15 Niagara and Korean veterans living out of the area has been bloody extraordinary.
Well done, you have done us proud.
As the attendee list is growing rather quickly, may I suggest that fellows coming in from out of town arrive a bit early so there will some time to rekindle old friendships prior to the service.
For those Royal Canadians who have not served in Korea and share an interest in the history of our regiment, the trip is certain to very enlightening.
My new friend, Buddy Brennan from Listowel, has one hell of a story to tell about Hill 187 and the night Clayton Moringstar was killed. Wilf Pearson, secretary of the KVA15 was the artillery FOO during the battle! Joe Sweeney, 1 RCR, Hill 355... Outstanding.
Of course, all Royal Canadians are invited to join the Niagara Branch in expressing our gratitude to the Korean Veterans on parade.
Join us. We shall honour our Regimental Brother, Clayton Moringstar and those brave men who stood in harms Way beside him.
Pro Patria.
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2009, 07:34:20 pm » |
Here is a picture of Buddy and Sam Carr, who is also invited.
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 02:38:54 pm » |
I have just received an exceptional email from my friend Joe Sweeney and at the risk of embarrassing him, which is not my intent, I want to publicly thank him for his most recent service to all Royal Canadians. Joe just returned from Korea where, on a mission, he endeavored to visit every Royal Canadian's grave site to say a prayer and let them know neither he nor we have FORGOTTEN. Is this not the definition of true regimental spirit? God bless you, Joe. Joe Sweeney, 1 RCR, Hill 355, Korea, 1952
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 02:39:30 pm » |
SB12404 Pte. Clayton MORNINGSTAR 10 May 1953 CVWM
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2009, 09:28:53 pm » |
Can you guys see the poppy on the lower left?
Our regimental brother, Buddy Brennen, put them on the last time he was there, one for every one of our regimental brothers.
Take time to remember.
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2009, 10:12:11 pm » |
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2009, 04:02:47 pm » |
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2009, 04:03:13 pm » |
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2009, 07:55:04 am » |
The final resting place of Clayton and hundreds of valiant Canadian servicemen who offered their lives during the Korean War. Today, fifty six years later, fifty-two million South Koreans live in peace, freedom and a democratic society that believes in human rights and dignity for all its citizens. This is Clayton Morningstar's gift, on behalf of this great nation, to the people of Korea and to humanity. It is the gift of freedom, a gift that, while attained through enormous sacrifice, continues to thrive. Buddy Brennen, RCR , Korean veteran, has recently succeed in having a new monument raised in Listowel, Ontario. On the monument's face, the words, TAKE TIME TO REMEMBER are boldy emblazoned. Take Time to Remember.Accordingly, I encourage all Royal Canadians, in spirit if not in person, to join the Niagara Branch, The RCR Association, on the 9th of May when we Take time to Remember Private Clayton Morningstar of Niagara Falls. Clayton/Donnie/Chuck, a Royal Canadian who, although mortally wounded and destined for death at a MASH unit days later, refused to leave the field and continued to stand fast with HIS/OUR BROTHERS during the height of the battle for Hill 187. May God have mercy on Clayton's soul now and forever. We have not forgotten. We will not forget. We will honour Buddy Brennen's solemn request. We will Take time to Remember!
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
William Mackenzie, who joined us from Toronto, Buddy Brennen from Listowel, Jay Matson, our serving Royal Canadian association member and myself prior to the ceremony. Louis Frennette has joined us in the second picture.
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
Buddy Brennen, veteran of Hill 355 and Hill 187. Check out the South Korean medal around his neck. There are but four in Canada. The Branch has two veterans from Hill 187 amongst our cadre, Ed MacDonald, who is bearing the Branch flag on the right of the cenotaph and, Al Mckelvey, who attended even though he just got out of the hospital the night before. Outstanding regimental spirit, eh?
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Mike Blais CD
Afterwards. Al Poison, Louis Frennette, Eric Anderson, who drove down from Hamilton, Jim Caczmerek, Myself and Buddy Brennen, Jason Matson, Frank Pearce, who joined us from Barrie and William Mackenzie from Toronto. Thanks you, and everyone else who may have left before this picture was taken, for making the event very special for the Morningstar family.
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Well, it looks like the Memorial went off just great. How to go people, and great pics here for us all, thanks Mike..rong
Mike Blais CD
The Morningstar's were kind enough to provide an entire box of materials, Ron. His hat badge, a couple of lighters, a gift from Japan... still wrapped in the personal effects envelope. The actual telegrams re wounded-death and, today, a few more pictures. A whole box of stuff, Ron... Friggin back is in an acute stage, once things settle down, I will scan and post everything in Clayton's thread re Lest we Forget.
1977-1RCR Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars Pioneers, Delta Coy CFB London
1979-3RCR M Coy 12C, Sigs, Pipes&Drums Mortars CFB Baden WG
1982 1RCR Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp) Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess, CFB London
2008 President. Niagara Branch The Royal Canadian Regiment Association
Great stuff Mike, will be looking down the road.. now take it easy.. i know how the back screws one up.. big time..rong