Looking for friends of MOE MILLER
Looking for people who were with Morris C Miller (known as Moe Miller) in 1966 during exercise "Litter Bearer" at CFB Gagetown which took place between 12th of July and the end of August of that year.
On the 16 of March Moe-Miller went to Gagetown as an advanced party for exercise "Litter Bearer" and at approximately 09:30 hours on the 12th of July, was soaked by a chopper who was spraying defoliant chemicals.
Moe was originally First Guards but when it was disbanded transferred to 1 RCR and was also twice in Germany with 2 RCR.
This request is for his wife Gail, as in 1988 Moe lost his battle with many medical conditions attributed to Agent Orange, White and Purple.
Mrs. Gail Miller has been trying to achieve a VAC Pension for her loss but VAC will not accept her witnesses' statement so she is in need of fellow soldiers who were there with him, if any are still living. She has his UER's and they show that he was in fact there but they will not pay unless she can prove that he was drenched with the chemicals
Thank you in Advance.
Please send all responces to
Kentar@telus.net Cpl. Kenneth H. Young CD (ret)