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CFB Gagetown - Toxic Chemicals - 1956-1984

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Author Topic: CFB Gagetown - Toxic Chemicals - 1956-1984  (Read 8974 times)
Kenneth H. Young
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« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2010, 11:03:53 am »

Veterans Denied Justice Once Again, or is that Still.
Can the Canadian public ever expect to receive justice when the careers and advancements for any Judge who is ruling in their case is wholly and completely dependant on the goodwill and whim of the defendant or the Government in the same case? This is a question which tens of thousands of Canadians are asking themselves today.
I wish that I could say that I was surprised in the April fools day Court of Appeals' decision to decertified the class-action lawsuit relating to Agent Orange and the 29 years of toxic Defoliation chemicals used at CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick.
The timing of the release was also reminiscent on most Conservative Party's "Bad News", releases and being handed to the general public on the afternoon of the day before a long four day weekend and is in my view, typical Harper tactics. Canada and the media will now have four days to distance themselves from the memory and to find more recent stories with which to occupy their time and space at news time.
There is no doubt that the CFB Gagetown Class action case was a complicated one and any judge worth their salt, could have found as many reasons to proceed with the case as reasons to squash it, but then again when the government decided to use dozens of proven toxic chemicals over an extended time frame and then to keep it more secret then the nuclear bomb tests in the USA, Canadians need to ask themselves Why?
Why were the soldiers in Gagetown sent into what now can only be described as killing fields? Why is Ottawa still refusing to provide millions of documents in this case? Why is Ottawa continually refusing to have a full Public and Judicial Inquiry into this, if it was as they claim, an un-intended mistake?
I am asking all Canadians and all veterans to demand of Ottawa a full Public and Judicial Inquiry into Canada's own little Killing Fields and the Gagetown Atrocity. And maybe an appointed Senate isn't the only thing that we Canadians need to stop partisan Government appointments to, if we ever wish to receive Justice.
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