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SUPPORT THE TROOPS rally, Niagara Falls, JULY 11, 2009

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Author Topic: SUPPORT THE TROOPS rally, Niagara Falls, JULY 11, 2009  (Read 829 times)
Mike Blais CD
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« on: June 15, 2009, 10:45:32 am »

Greeting from Niagara Falls.

The Niagara Branch, The RCR Association, is hosting Niagara Falls' first Support the troops rally on July 11th, 2009.

JULY 11, 2009.

I have arranged for some bands and demonstrations to occur from between 1200 and 1630 and there will be vendors selling military memorabilia, food and whatnot while the branch sells tickets on a variety of prizes the local business community has donated in order to assist us raise money for the creation of the Cpl Albert Storm CD memorial park the Fort Erie volunteer fire department is building on the 19th September. trust me, there will be plenty for you to do should you decide, as I hope, decide to support us in this mission. I have been busy and finally found a nice motel willing to support ourt cause by offering a discount rate. As you might imagine, rooms are very expensive mid July so the opportunity to visit Niagara, support us and have a nice vacation at the same s\time art 99 dollars a night... Friday and Saturday. The Fallsview Inn is a block away from the new casino and falls and about two and half blocks from the legion. Link is here.

The rally will start at 1500 wherein we will be joined by Mgen Walter Homes, MMM, CD, Justice Minister and Attorney General Robert Nicholson, MP Rick Dykstra, MPP Kim Kraitor, the mayor and council. Local cable will tape the event with the intent of sending it forward to the troops. Wear red, regimental golf shirts or, if a member of the association, regimental summer dress. All venues of local media have promised to support this rally through advertising support and, in the case of one radio station, on site broadcasting.

I am asking all Royal Canadians to support us in this endeavor.  The local business community has been very generous reference gifts to be raffled off and through this money and donations, we are hoping to raise considerable money for the Cpl Albert Storm CD memorial park, which is to be built on September 19th.

Pachino Dinner.

1900 RCL 479 upstairs.

Traditional spaghetti and vino with a WWII themed dance to be held afterwards. Blazers, grays, medals or semi-formal civvies. 25 dollars per person.

Come join the Niagara Branch and the Colonel of the Regiment share bread and celebrate our Regiment's outstanding success at Pachino, Sicily, July 10th, 1943.

Please let me know through this sight or email as soon as you decide about the dinner. Make cheques out to the Niagara Branch, the RCR Association and mail to Michael Blais, 6618 Harper Drive, Niagara Falls, Ontario.


Pass the word on to your internet lacking friends, lads. Pass the word.
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1977-1RCR  Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars
                   Pioneers, Delta Coy
                   CFB London

1979-3RCR  M Coy 12C,  Sigs, Pipes&Drums
                   CFB Baden WG

1982 1RCR  Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp)
                   Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess,
                   CFB London

2008            President. Niagara Branch
                   The Royal Canadian Regiment

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« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 04:59:55 pm »

Great event Mike.. hope all goes well, and i will pass along as i can.. rong
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Mike Blais CD
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« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2009, 03:30:57 pm »

You and me both!

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1977-1RCR  Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars
                   Pioneers, Delta Coy
                   CFB London

1979-3RCR  M Coy 12C,  Sigs, Pipes&Drums
                   CFB Baden WG

1982 1RCR  Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp)
                   Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess,
                   CFB London

2008            President. Niagara Branch
                   The Royal Canadian Regiment
Mike Blais CD
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« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2009, 08:46:34 am »

Support the Troops Day on July 11
Rally held at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 479 on Spring Street

Posted By TONY RICCIUTO Review Staff Writer


Tie some yellow ribbons around an old oak tree, wear red and bring along your signs, banners and most of all a Canadian flag.

Niagara residents are being encouraged to attend the Support the Troops Rally this Saturday outside the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 479 on Spring Street in Niagara Falls.

“We want to unite as brothers and sisters to demonstrate our support for those valiant Canadians in Afghanistan who tread in harms way on our behalf,” said Mike Blais, president of the Royal Canadian Regiment Association, Niagara Branch.

Niagara Falls Mayor Ted Salci, with the unanimous support of city council, recently proclaimed Saturday, July 11, as Support the Troops Day for the city of Niagara Falls.

The rally starts at 3 p.m., but the event will begin at noon and run until 4:30 p.m., with music provided by the Niagara Concert Band and Niagara “Memorial” Militaries Alumni Drum Corps.

All the local dignitaries have been invited to attend, the Niagara region’s Army, Navy and Air Force veterans associations will be providing some interesting displays and vendors will be serving some tasty dishes.

Blais said Cpl. Albert Storm, once a citizen of Niagara Falls, and Tyler Crooks, Port Colborne, were members of the Royal Canadian Regiment when they were killed serving in Afghanistan and it’s our duty to ensure their sacrifice in not forgotten now or in the future.

During the afternoon, raffle tickets will be sold for a variety of prizes that have been donated by Niagara’s business community and those funds will be used to support the Fort Erie volunteer fire department’s mission to build the Cpl. Albert Storm CD Memorial Playground. Some of the funds will also go into their memorial account.

The rally will be taped by Cogeco television and a copy will be sent to the troops serving in Afghanistan.

Guest speakers will include Major General Walter Holmes, MBE, CD, (ret) Colonel of The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Blais said we need to get as many people out as we can for this rally because it “can and will make a huge difference in our young soldiers lives” when they are serving our nation thousands of kilometers away.

“They deserve our support, perhaps now more then ever,” said Blais.
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1977-1RCR  Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars
                   Pioneers, Delta Coy
                   CFB London

1979-3RCR  M Coy 12C,  Sigs, Pipes&Drums
                   CFB Baden WG

1982 1RCR  Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp)
                   Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess,
                   CFB London

2008            President. Niagara Branch
                   The Royal Canadian Regiment
Mike Blais CD
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« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2009, 08:47:59 am »

They came from near and far to Support the Troops Rally
Cpl. Albert Storm and Cpl. Tyler Crooks will be remembered

Posted By TONY RICCIUTO Review Staff Writer

Their sacrifice is not forgotten.

Two local heroes who lost their lives while serving in Afghanistan, Cpl. Albert Storm from Niagara Falls and Cpl. Tyler Crooks from Port Colborne, plus all the others who have died or are currently serving our country, were fondly remembered during the Support the Troops Rally held on Saturday in Niagara Falls.

Storm and Crooks were members of the Royal Canadian Regiment when they were killed serving in Afghanistan.

“This ceremony is a tribute to our fallen men and women in Afghanistan and a stark reminder of the sacrifices by all of our Canadian and American soldiers and their families as they serve with honour in conflicts overseas,” said Niagara Falls Mayor Ted Salci.

“We also offer our support to the families of our fallen soldiers as they struggle to go on without them in their daily lives and we humbly thank you for their sacrifice.”

The rally was held outside under sunny skies at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 479 on Spring Street.

Earlier in the day, a strong downpour that moved across the city had organizer Mike Blais, president of the Royal Canadian Regiment Association, Niagara Branch, a bit worried about the turnout.

The rain stopped by early afternoon and there was a good crowd on hand. Many of the visitors, who were Canadian Army Veteran supporters, rode in on motorcycles carrying flags behind their vehicles. Some were caught in the rain earlier in the morning, but they didn’t complain.

Blais said Storm, 36, who was a resident of Niagara Falls for many years, was only three years away from retirement when he and Regimental Sergeant Major Bobby Girouard were killed by a Taliban suicide bomber on Nov. 27, 2006.

Maureen and Rob Maxwell, along with their three boys and a niece, Ashley Maxwell, were there to remember Tyler Crooks, who was going to be a future family member. Tyler was going to marry Ashley’s sister, Kelly Maxwell.

“We still can’t believe what happened,” said Maureen, who along with other family members carried photos, signs and banners to show their support.

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“Maybe we can do this more often so that we don’t forget and also to show our support for the troops who are still over there and hope that they come home safe.”

Rob said they think of Tyler every day and it doesn’t matter if they happen to be at home or at work.

“This has affected our family greatly. We think of him every day, we love him and we miss him,” said Rob.

Crooks, 24, was killed in March by a bomb while on a military mission outside Kandahar city. He was a member of November Company, 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment.

During the afternoon, raffle tickets were sold for a variety of prizes that were donated by Niagara’s business community. Those funds will be used to support the Fort Erie volunteer fire department’s mission to build the Cpl. Albert Storm CD Memorial Playground.

Deputy Chief Jeff Putnam explained more about that project and how it will benefit those children in the community.

Other guest speakers included Major General Walter Holmes, MBE, CD, (ret) Colonel of The Royal Canadian Regiment, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada MP Rob Nicholson, Niagara Falls MPP Kim Craitor and St. Catharines MP Rick Dykstra.

Lois Carter, who is originally from Niagara Falls and comes from a military background, currently has a son, John Summers, serving in Afghanistan. He left at the end of May and is expected back sometime in November.

A few years ago, her daughter, Tammy Ayer, also served in Afghanistan for six months.

“This brings tears to my eyes to see the support. My son will be amazed when I tell him about this.”

Carter, who joined the Air Force in 1968 and later married someone in the military, said a day doesn’t go by when she doesn’t worry about her son.

They are able to stay in contact by telephone and email on a regular basis, unless there is a problem at which time there is a total shutdown of communication.

Rita Robinson, who is from Fenwick, said we need to support our veterans because many of them put their lives on the line for the rest of us.

“We want them to know that we are here to help them when they get out. Some of them might be lost and really don’t know what to do. They need to know there are people who will support and guide them, people to talk to and who will point them in the right direction for any help they might need.”

Ken Blanchard, who is also from Fenwick and spent 14 years in the military, said it’s good to stay in touch with others who know what it’s like to have gone through some of the same experiences.

“Even if you don’t know some of these guys you can sit down and talk to them. They know what you are going through and they don’t judge you,” said Blanchard, who served in peace time and never went to war, but was able to witness first-hand the ugly side of war.

“It’s a terrible thing. I’m proud of my boys,” said Blanchard.

Lois McCabe of Niagara Falls, who was dressed in red and white and was carrying both a Canadian flag and a banner, said we all need to support our soldiers wherever they might be deployed.

“We should think about them and pray for them, and especially for their families. I truly support the troops and feel more people should be involved.”

Doug Christian, who is from London, Ontario, and is president of their local Canadian Army Veteran unit, said most of their members are former Royal Canadian Regiment and they came to show their support.

They came down on seven motorcycles and one vehicle and were joined by other units from Hamilton and Toronto.
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1977-1RCR  Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars
                   Pioneers, Delta Coy
                   CFB London

1979-3RCR  M Coy 12C,  Sigs, Pipes&Drums
                   CFB Baden WG

1982 1RCR  Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp)
                   Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess,
                   CFB London

2008            President. Niagara Branch
                   The Royal Canadian Regiment
Mike Blais CD
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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2009, 08:49:35 am »


Meet and greet.

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1977-1RCR  Italy PL, B Coy, Mortars
                   Pioneers, Delta Coy
                   CFB London

1979-3RCR  M Coy 12C,  Sigs, Pipes&Drums
                   CFB Baden WG

1982 1RCR  Mortars 51B, Dukes, BBC (Cyp)
                   Mortars, WO-Sgts Mess,
                   CFB London

2008            President. Niagara Branch
                   The Royal Canadian Regiment

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