Title: 2008, Dec 13, Private Justin Peter Jones, 2RCR, Afghanistan Post by: Mike Blais CD on May 30, 2009, 08:41:09 am (http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/MLBlaisRCR/Dparted%20Comrades/RIPprivate-justin-peter-jones.jpg)
Private Justin Peter Jones was killed as a result of an improvised explosive device attack on an armoured vehicle during a patrol in the Arghandab District. The incident occurred approximately 14 kilometers west of Kandahar City at about 9:00 a.m., Kandahar time, on 13 December 2008. Justin served with the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment from CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick, and was a member of the Force Protection Company of the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team. (http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/MLBlaisRCR/Dparted%20Comrades/Poppy.jpg) Title: Re: 2008, Dec 13, Private Justin Peter Jones, 2RCR, Afghanistan Post by: Mike Blais CD on May 30, 2009, 08:41:34 am (http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu322/MLBlaisRCR/Dparted%20Comrades/RIPCplHamilton1.jpg)
Thank you Mary Anne Peace for sharing this with us. Title: Re: 2008, Dec 13, Private Justin Peter Jones, 2RCR, Afghanistan Post by: rong on May 30, 2009, 02:37:10 pm Yes , a really nice personal memorial to these fine young men who gave their all for others, most of whom they did not even know.. May they rest in peace, and never be forgotten..rong |