The RCR Association Photographic Database

General Category => Afghanistan => Topic started by: Mike Blais CD on May 04, 2009, 09:09:21 am

Title: 2006, December 18, 1RCRBG, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Post by: Mike Blais CD on May 04, 2009, 09:09:21 am

A Leopard C2 Tank of 1 Troop (1 Tp) B Squadron (B Sqn) 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group (1 RCR BG) prepares to leave Forward Operating Base Zettlemeyer (FOB ZL).  The Leopards of B Sqn have provided an added dimension to the capabilites of the 1 RCR BG.

Title: Re: 2006, December 18, 1RCRBG, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Post by: rong on May 04, 2009, 02:28:30 pm
Nice pic  Mike, thanks for putting it up.. the last time i was attached to RCD, they had the Centurion... quite a difference...rong